Yuliana, D.Syech, R.Ardhitama, A.2013-07-232013-07-232013-07-23Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4635The effects of weather on the physical parameters of rainfall in city Pekanbaru are reported. The physical parameters of weather are air temperature, air humidity, air pressure and wind speed. The Method used in this study is a statistical method of Correlation Coefficient Test, Student's T-Test, Chi-Square Test and Homogeneity Test. These correlations indicate the relationship among variables, with values of 0.5. After the Student's T-Test, it shows that the effect of weather variables has the same average value from January to July 2012. The precipitation with speed average is -2,0564 in the rainy season and in the dry season is 0,6364. The value of Tcount ≤ Ttable (0,05) = 1,699 and H0 are accepted. After the Chi-Square Test, it shows that the influence of weather variables to the data sample were normally distributed and the data was not normally distributed from January to July 2012 obtained from X2count ≤ X2table (0,05) = 42,56. The results are the data value of air temperature, precipitation, air pressure, humidity and average speed, where the value of H0 was accepted, so each group of data proved to be normally distributed. After the homogeneity test, results show the influence of weather variables, the degree of similarity or data homogenized from January to July 2012. Air temperature with Rainfall in the wet season are 0,0050 at 0,0027 in the dry season. Because Fcount ≤ Ftable (0,05) = 1.86 then is H0 accepted.otherRainfallParameter of Phsycal WeatherMethod of StatisikPENENTUAN PARAMETER FISIS CUACA TERHADAP CURAH HUJAN DI KOTA PEKANBARUOther