Azharo, AtikaSuwondo, SuwondoPutera, Ridwan Manda2021-03-092021-03-092019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio has the potential for ecotourism development. Ecotourism management must be completed by paying attention to everything related to each other to avoid mistakes that will result in the tourist attraction. Sustainable management has become a Conservation in Ecotourism Development. This study aims to determine success in the management of ecotourism which is supported by ecological aspects, economic aspects, and socio-cultural aspects. So that sustainable development can be realized in the management of ecotourism in the Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio that are sustainable. Sustainability of management can be seen by MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) analysis using the help of Rap-InsusEco (Rappid Apprasial Sustinability Ecoturism Index) from the ecological, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. The sustainability status of ecotourism management in The Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio is currently multidimensional, including the category of quite sustainable. The results showed the sustainability index of the ecological dimension 72.5% (enough to pass), the economic dimension of 33.5% (less continuing) and the socio-cultural dimension of 51.6% (enough to pass). The determinants of sustainable ecotourism management strategies in Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio are determined by the dominant key attribute. The key factors are; (1) level of biodiversity (2) protection of ecologically vulnerable places (3) marketable ecotourism products, (4) development of other tourism, (5) labor absorption rate, and (6) contribution of the tourism and forestry sector.enCustomary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian RumbioEcotourismSustainability IndexPENGELOLAAN EKOWISATA BERKELANJUTAN HUTAN LARANGAN ADAT KENEGERIAN RUMBIOArticle