Dewi, NoviaKhaswarina, Shorea2016-03-022016-03-022016-03-02978-979-792-512-3wahyu sari yeni study is intended to obtain the data which will be able to reveal the information about the ability of oil palm companies in efinering profit and to measure the competitiveness of Riau Province palm industry. This study has the objectives: (1)to find out how much the value of total factor productivity palm oil industry are listed on Indonesia stock exchange with the calculation of profit margins in its ability to survive in situations of world trade; (2) to find out how the state of competitiveness of exports of palm oil industry in Riau and Indonesia. This research uses descriptive analytical tools that reveal profit development and competitiveness in the world trade. Based on profit margin analysis using RCA and the competitiveness of Riau and Indonesia palm oil industry is still enough strong, making more province out performed the competition in the oil palm industry. The ability of oil palm companies in generating the maximum profit is strong. Can be seen from the growth in net profit margin and GPM company is still highenoil palm companiescompetitivenessprofitDaya Saing Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan Analisis Total Factor Productivity Pada Pks Di Provinsi RiauUR-Proceedings