Aisyah, Nur2021-07-082021-07-082020-06wahyu sari yeni (Polymerase chain reaction) is a technique for amplification target genes using specific primers. The PCR process consists of three stages, namely denaturation of template DNA, annealing and polymerization of DNA chain (extensions). The successful of a PCR is influenced by the PCR components and primer annealing temperature. This research was conducted to obtain optimal annealing temperature for the amplification of the ETS region. The PCR components were such as DreamTaq DNA Polymerase (Thermo Scientific) and a primer of Myrtf and 18SR. The optimal annealing temperature for PCR of the ETS region was 56,8°C. The amplicon obtained in this study was approximately 500 bpenannealing temperatureDNA polymeraseETS regionPCRSyzygiumOPTIMASI SUHU ANNEALING PASANGAN PRIMER UNTUK AMPLIFIKASI DAERAH ETS (EXTERNAL TRANSCRIBED SPACER) PADA TUMBUHAN DURIK-DURIK (Syzygium sp.) ASAL RIAUArticle