SARI, YUNI MAYA2013-04-302013-04-302013-04-30 research is aimed to know the potential of palm oil (crude palm oil) when used as biodiesel in Riau province in the future. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be produced from crude palm oil through transesterification process. The data used in this research is a secondary data including data from 2006 - 2010. Methods an data analysis is descriptive quantitative growth formula by using of growth with the linear methods. According to data from the Department of Oil Palm Plantations number (CPO) produced from one tonne of FFB is 25-26% palm oil which can be developed for the manufacture of biodiesel as an alternative fuel for diesel engines primarily. From the observation it was found that in 2010 the amount of palm oil as much as 6,4 million tons to produce 5,5 million liters of biodiesel or when converted into dollars around Rp.304 billion in 2015 and estimated potential of palm oil can be use as biodiesel for 9 million tons to produce 8 million liters of biodiesel and by Rp.443 billion to fulfill or replace the need for diesel fuel in the province of Riau.otherBiodieselPalm OilCrude Palm Oil (CPO)POTENSI MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT (CPO) SEBAGAI BIODIESEL ALTERNATIF PENGGANTI MINYAK SOLAR DI PROVINSI RIAU