Jukris, Avisha Delinda2022-10-262022-10-262022-07PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10724The existence of a school library is important in education, and so accreditation of the school library is carried out with the aim to improve the quality of the library and to increase the interest of reading. Pekanbaru City Library and Archives Service currently determines a school library is worthy of accreditation using a manual system. The purpose of this research is to create a web-based decision support system to determine the eligibility of a school's library to be accredited using the Visekriterijumska Optimizacija I Compromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method. In this research, 15 schools consisting of 6 elementary schools and 9 junior high schools were used. The criteria used refers to the school library accreditation instruments issued by the National Library that consists 6 criterias: collections, library facilities and infrastructure, library services, library staff, library management, and reinforcements. The results obtained for the Elementary School Libraries that ranked the best were Darma Yudha Elementary School. Al-Ittihad Elementary School, and Al-Rasyid Elementary School, and the lowest rank was Elementary School 62 Pekanbaru. For Junior High School Libraries, the best ranked was Junior High School 34 Pekanbaru, Junior High School 23 Pekanbaru and Junior High School 6 Pekanbaru and the lowest rank was Junior High School 37 Pekanbaru.enAccreditationDecision Support SystemLibraryVIKOR MethodSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN KELAYAKAN PERPUSTAKAAN UNTUK DIAKREDITASI MENGGUNAKAN METODE VIKORArticle