FADLI, AHMAD2012-12-032012-12-032012-12-02wahyu sari yenihttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/736The raw kaolin itself was a good adsorhen . Zinc (II) would adsorb on kaolin from sincalang's deposit. Kaolin crushed and screened until the size solid approxiamettly 200 I 240 mesh. Kaolin suspension prepared by rinsed witjh I M NaOH for approximately 12 hours. The solid included to Zn (II) solutions and determined AA (Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer). Samples were withdrawn every 15 minutes. The variables studied with temperature in the range 30 50 "C and concentration tO 60 ppm. The adsorpstion data analysed by the hrendlich, Langmuir and Brunauet Emmet - Teller (BET) proposed models by regret ionlinear method. Based on the result the freundlich model was suitable model to describe the equilibrium.From this model it was obtained that the value of constant equilibrnim K 2,6503 with temperature 30"C, Enthalphi \H -0,9865 kcal mole ,I''ree energy (iibb \(7 - 4,9007 kcal mole and luitropy \S 12,91H kcal molenZinc (II)adsorptionModelslujiiilihriuinKaoliADSORPSi Xxi DENGAN KAOLIN : TINJAUAN ASPEK THERMODEVAMIKAArticle