Elisabeth, ChristinaElvyra, RozaYusfiati2016-01-282016-01-282016-01-28wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/7794Study on gut content of hidung budak fish (Ceratoglanis scleronema) from Kampar Kiri River was conducted from November 2014 to April 2015. The objective of this study was to assess the type of food of hidung budak fish from Kampar Kiri River. We observed the gut content from 75 samples of hidung budak fish, which consist of 44 males and 31 females. Gut content analysis was performed based on Natarjan and Jhingran (Effendie 1979) using Index of Preponderance (The Highest Part Index). The result of this analysis indicated that there were five group of food, they were fish (Kryptopterus sp.), insects, worm, plant litter and animal debris. The percentage of Index of Preponderance for small fish (Kryptopterus sp.), insect, worm, plant litter and animal debris were 1,04 %, 5,43 %, 3,59 %, 13,29 % and 76,65%, respectively. The composition of food found from males fishes were small fish (Kryptopterus sp.), insects, worm, plant litter and animal debris. While the composition of food from females fishes were insects, worm, plant litter and animal debris.enCeratoglanis scleronemagut content analysisKampar Kiri RiverANALISIS ISI LAMBUNG IKAN HIDUNG BUDAK Ceratoglanis scleronema (Bleeker 1862) DI DESA MENTULIK SUNGAI KAMPAR KIRI PROVINSI RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree