Puspita, FifiElfina, YettiArtika2014-06-112014-06-112014-06-11979-458-597-1wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6373Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a rice plants that became the food of most people in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of antimicrobial Chromolaena odorata, and Azadirachta indica leaves powder and their combinations to control seed borne pathogens and their effects on rice seed germination. The study was conducted at the of Plant Diseases and Plant Breeding Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty Riau University from June until September 2011. The research was carried out experimentally using Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatment provides is non leaves powder (T0); leaves powder of Chromolaena odorata (T1); leaves powder of Azadirachta indica (T2); and leaves powder combinations of Chromolaena odorata + Azadirachta indica (T3). The parameters observed was diameter colonies of the seed borne fungus on petridish (mm), growth inhibition of seed-borne fungus by leaves powder, persentage infections of rice seed borne fungus and persentage of seed germination. The results of identification based on morphological characteristics found some fungi seed-bornepathogen such as Cercospora sp, Rhizopus sp, Rhizoctonia sp (1), Rhizoctonia sp (2), Mucor sp (1) and Mucor sp (2).The treatment leaves powder of Chromolaena odorata, Azadirachta indica and the combinations can control of Cercospora sp, Rhizopus sp, Rizoctonia sp and Mucor sp in in-vitro. The treatment leaves powder of Azadirachta indica has a greater ability to control rice seed borne fungus can reduce average percentage infection of Cercospora sp by 81.82%, Rhizopus sp by 90%, Rhizoctonia sp 92.65 %, and Mucor sp 77.78% compared with non leaves powder. The leaves powder treatment of C. odorata, A. indica, and both combination (A. indica + C. oodrata) could trigger the seed ability to normal germination on tensile papperenAntimicrobialChromolaena odorataAzadiracta indicaseed born pathogenANTIMICROBIAL TEST CHROMOLAENA ODORATA, AZADIRACHTA INDICA LEAVES POWDER AND THEIR COMBINATIONS IN CONTROLLING SEED BORNE FUNGI AND THE EFFECTS ON RICE SEED GERMINATIONUR-Scientific Work Lecturer