Suardi2013-03-142013-03-142013-03-14wahyu sari yeni performing or Civil Public Servant transfer at Regency Rokan Hilir aims to do construction, clerk transfer shall restrain from politics element and arbitrariness action of government officials, one that necessarily official has to follow prevailing and going order ruling according to its function, but in fact at field is still to be found policy that issued by in conflict with government as it were must it or out of square that prevailing, therefore if Civil Public Servant mutation performing at Regency Commanding scope Rokan Hilir was walking with every consideration. Since it constitutes reflection of task and government function as apparatus as state which do ever give good service to its society.enMutation performingProceduresRulingImplement authorityPELAKSANAAN MUTASI PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL DILINGKUP PEMERINTAHAN KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR TAHUN 2011student Paper Post Degree