Amelia, Ravika2022-08-232022-08-232022-04PerpustakaanElfitra plants are the main component in the local medical treatment in Kampar Kiri District. The plants contain various active chemical compounds. One of them is flavonoids which act as antioxidants to control level of free radicals. This study aimed to analyze the content of flavonoid compounds found in medicinal plants. Sampling and chemical analyses were respectively carried out in Kampar Kiri District and the Botanical Laboratory of the Biology Department, FMIPA Riau University from September to December 2021. The results obtained 60 types of medicinal plants used by the Kuntu Community Traditional Medicine Practitioners (TMP) of which 42 species were positive for flavonoids test, such as Allium cepa, Garcinia mangostana, Piper nigrum, Vitex pinnata, etc.enflavonoidKampar KiriKuntu CommunityTraditional Medicine Practitioners (TMP)medicinal plantsANALISIS SENYAWA FLAVONOID PADA TUMBUHAN OBAT YANG DIGUNAKAN MASYARAKAT KUNTU DI KECAMATAN KAMPAR KIRI KABUPATEN KAMPAR, RIAUArticle