Arianto, YogiSalambue, Roni2019-04-302019-04-302019-04-30wahyu sari yeni networks are very important in this era of globalization. The University of Riau's Department of Computer Science is one of the departments that uses internet networks to support the effectiveness of work, access the information needed, and access social media applications to communicate. The internet network used by the University of Riau's Computer Science Department is internet service from Telkom. Quality measurement needs to be done in order to find out the level of quality of the internet that has been provided given the importance of the current role of the internet. The method used to measure the quality of the internet network is QoS and RMA. In this method, NetTools and PRTG software is needed. For Bandwidth the highest average value on staff accounts is 2.791.264 bit / s with an average Delay of 4 m / s with the category "Very Good" and the average Packet Loss of 3.29% with the category "Good". For the RMA method the value of the Availibility uptime and downtime method gets the highest value on the first day reaching 169.14%.enInternetNetToolsPRTGQoSRMAANALISIS PENGUKURAN KUALITAS LAYANAN JARINGAN INTERNET JURUSAN ILMU KOMPUTER UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN METODE QoS DAN RMAArticle