Pardede, Juwita Monalis2012-10-292012-10-292012-10-29sumarnihttp:/// research was conducted From Maret 2012 at sibanganding village, girsang Sipangan Bolon District, Simalungun regency, Nort Sumatera Province. This reseach used case study method, the aim of this reseach were: 1). To measure the view motivational the level, of expecfation confidence of fish nila, 2). To know the confidence expectation vie conducting to motivation. The research concluded that 1). Entirety motivational level conducting of fish amount 2217, thereby score motivational as a whole reside in category. 2).View, hope relationship with motivation hare the value is rs= 0,754** and rs = 0.793 **, it’s mean relation between views, hope motivation pertained the strength and unidirectional, have the character of very significant posed at with value P(0,00) < α (0,05). 3). Relationships with motivational beliefs have value rs = 0.522 * means no correlation is less strong or in other words the significance of the relationship is indicated with P value (0.018) <α (0.05).otherview/hope/faithmotivationFisherman Motivation To The Effort of Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Cultivation In Sibanganding Village, District, Simalungun regency, Nort Sumatera Province.Article