Angelliyen2013-07-232013-07-232013-07-23 hukum terhadap produk beras dalam negeri secara internasional ialah dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai macam bentuk perjanjian yaitu Marrakesh Agreement Terdapat lima belas bidang atau agenda yang disepakati dalam perjanjian tersebut salah satunya adalah pertanian. Agriculture (Pertanian), selain itu Prinsip perlakuan nasional (National Treatment) dalam negara berkembang, Safeguards, Antidumping.Indonesia was once the world's third largest rice producer after China and India. But a surge in rice prices caused an unexpected decline in rice production in Indonesia. This situation cause to Indonesia should open market imports into the country and became one rice importer however with the opening of the free market is the local producers will suffer from free trade policies. In reality, rice is the staple food of Indonesian People requiring the protection to prevent the occurrence of excessive importation of rice leading Indonesian farmers could not compete with over imported products and could not give welfare for Indonesian farmers.enLegal ProtectionImporter of RiceRice ProductionLocal ProducerPERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP PRODUK BERAS DALAM NEGERI MENURUT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL DAN HUKUM NASIONALstudent Paper Post Degree