Barus, Dio Christy2012-12-082012-12-082012-12-07 purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the factors that influence the promotional mix to sales volume Goodyear brand tires at the Empress Auto Shop Pekanbaru, to study and analyze what factors are the dominant influence on the volume of sales promotion mix Goodyear brand tires At Permaisuri Autoshop In Pekanbaru What research PT. Permaisuri autoshop Pekanbaru, the entire data population is cost factors promotional mix and sales turnover in this study. Samples taken are data last 9 years. In analyzing the data, the writer uses descriptive quantitative analysis compares the data with various theories that support. To view the promotional mix analysis the authors used multiple regression (R2) Based on the research data showed that the cost of personal selling by company performed 2 times in one year, and the cost of personal selling in the Permaisuri Auto Shop in the last nine years has increased, but the development of personal selling costs given the fluctuations. The more active pursuits of personal selling will certainly also influence the sales results achieved. From the research data showed that the cost of a sales promotion spend PT. Good year Indonesia, Tbk Bogor in the last nine years has increased but the development of sales promotion costs are fluctuating. making sales promotion activities are conducted by PT. Permaisuri Auto shop affects sales volume obtained. From the research data showed that the cost of advertising spend in the last nine years the company has increased from the year 2003 to 2011, but the development cost of advertising in the nine-year fluctuations. The cost of advertising incurred in running the company's marketing activities greatly affect the volume of sales achieved.otherPersonal SellingSales PromotionAdvertisingVolume SellingANALISIS BAURAN PROMOSI TERHADAP PENINGKATAN VOLUME PENJUALAN BAN MEREK GOODYEAR PADA PERMAISURI AUTO SHOP PEKANBARUArticle