Pramawati, L2013-01-082013-01-082013-01-08Wahono.M.Si MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SIKLUS BELAJAR (LEARNING CYCLE) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES DAN HASIL BELAJAR SAINSPENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SIKLUS BELAJAR (LEARNING CYCLE) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES DAN HASIL BELAJAR SAINS SISWA KELAS VII5 SMP KARTIKA 1-5 PEKANBARU TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012 Liza Pramawati. S1), Evi Suryawati2),Yuslim Fauziah2) 1) Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi, Email : 2) Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau ABSTRACT This research aims to enhance the skills and achievement grade science students in junior high scholl class VII5 Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru in Academic Year 2011/2012 through the "Application of Learning Model Learning Cycle". Implementation of the action began on 27 March and 30 April 2012. Subjects in the study were students of class VII5 totaling 37 students. The parameters used are the skills the student achievement comprising absorption and mastery learning students. The results showed that the average skills of the students based on the observation sheet, the cycle of 72.70% (average), increased in the second cycle to be 81.44% (excellent) by the percentage increase of 12.02%. Average absorption of students through daily tests on the cycle of 76.68% (excellent), on the second cycle increased to 83.32% (excellent) by the percentage increase in 8. 65%. Mastery of individual students in the first cycle is 94.59% (complete) and 5.40% (not finished), on the second cycle increases to 100% (complete). From the description above concluded that the application of the learning cycle instructional model can improve process skills and science achievement of students in the junior high scholl class VII5 Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru in Academic Year 2011/2012en-USAchievementLearning CycleProcess SkillsPenerapan Model Pembelajaran Siklus Belajar (Learning Cycle) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Dan Hasil Belajar Sains Siswa Kelas Vii5 Smp Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012Article