A.S, SUMARIO2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2529The research was conducted in Pekanbaru city which took place in December 2012 to January 2013. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the capital, labor and machinery for industrial production trellis that is in Pekanbaru city. While the benefits of this research is to add insight and knowledge to become an input for industrial entrepreneurs in developing trellis industrial. This study used quantitative descriptive data analysis. The model is a quantitative data analysis of multiple linear regression. Data collection was performed by collecting primary data from trellis employers in Pekanbaru city. The results based on test F is known that F count > F table (56.982> 2.724944) then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted means of capital, labor and machine together has a significant effect on the production of a trellis. By t test (t-test) showed that the variable X1 (capital) obtained t count > T Table (2.077> 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that a significant effect on the production of capital trellis. For variable X2 (labor) obtained t count > T Table (3.840 > 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that the workforce significantly influence the production of trellis. For variable X3 (engine) obtained t value 2.963 thus t count > T Table (2.963 > 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that a significant effect on the production machine trellis. based on the calculation of multiple linear regression coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.692 means that capital, labor, and machinery affects the production of the trellis by 69.2%, while 30.8% influenced by other factors beyond the model used in this studyotherProductionCapitalLaborMachineANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING PRODUCTION TRELLIS INDUSTRY IN PEKANBARU CITY