Sianipar, Elise Adelina2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAT Pondok Gurih is of the medium scale restaurant in Pekanbaru that has been in the field since 1994, and is facing increasing competition. Therefore RM. Pondok Gurih use experiential marketing strategy to gain the loyalty customers. The purpose of this study to analysis the influence experiential marketing strategy for customer loyalty. This study uses quantitative descriptive correlation technique which data is collected through questionnaire method for 96 respondents. Then, performed a simple regression analysis of data obtained. Results of research and hypothesis testing shows that significant positive between marketing experiential marketing strategy and customer loyalty in RM. Pondok Gurih. Through coefficient determination test in this study prove of the experiential marketing strategy influence the customer loyalty of 33,3 percent and the rest of 66,7 percent influenced by others factorsotherExperiential Marketing,Customer LoyaltyRestaurant Marketing StrategyPENGARUH STRATEGI EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING TERHADAP LOYALITAS KONSUMEN RM. PONDOK GURIH PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree