Nengsih, Nadya ZulfaBustami2016-05-232016-05-232016-05-23wahyu sari yeni paper discusses the estimator for parameter of exponential distribution using Bayesian statistics. Prior distribution used is the extension of Jeffrey’s prior. Bayes estimators are obtained by quadratic loss function and entropy loss function. Bayes estimators under quadratic loss function and entropy loss function are biased estimators. Mean squared errors of Bayes estimators are obtained using simulation. Simulation results show that Bayes estimator under entropy loss function with proper choise of γ and depending on the value of c is more efficient than Bayes estimator under quadratic loss function.enExponential distributionBayesian statisticsextension of Jeffrey priorquadratic loss functionentropy loss functionPENAKSIR BAYES UNTUK PARAMETER DISTRIBUSI EKSPONENSIAL BERDASARKAN FUNGSI KERUGIAN KUADRATIK DAN FUNGSI KERUGIAN ENTROPIstudent Paper Post Degree