Ramadhita, Yovani Kinanti2024-02-012024-02-012023-09PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11274Scurrula ferruginea Danser is a semi-woody plant from the santalales family and the Loranthaceae family. This plant is considered detrimental because it is a parasite on other plants, but currently S. ferruginea has a lot of potential as a traditional medicine. This research aims to isolate secondary metabolite compounds, characterize the compounds, and analyze the toxicity test of the n-hexane extract of the S. ferruginea plant using the brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) method. The extraction process was carried out using the maceration method with methanol solvent followed by a partition process using n-hexane and ethyl acetate solvents to obtain a thick n-hexane extract. Separation of components in the extract was carried out using vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) and column chromatography methods. Fraction 2 from the results of column chromatography separation in the form of crystals coded SFH-F2 has a melting point of 134-136°C. Characterization using FTIR was obtained at wavenumber 3300 cm-1 (OH), 1451 cm-1 (CH2), 1380 cm-1 (CH3), 1189 cm-1 (CN), dan 1043 cm-1 and 1036 cm-1 (CO). Characterization using UV-Vis did not show any absorption. Based on the characterization results, the compound SFH-F2 is a terpenoid group. The results of toxicity testing of nhexane extract using the BSLT method obtained an LC50 value > 1000 ppm. These results indicate that the n-hexane extract of the S. ferruginea plant is non-toxic.enisolationcharacterizationtoxicityISOLASI DAN UJI TOKSISITAS EKSTRAK n-HEKSANA DARI BENALU JENGKOL Scurrula ferrugimea DanserArticle