Nurhasnawati2013-02-052013-02-052013-02-05Wahono.M.Si STUDY ON THE VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT OF THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SDN 37 PEKANBARUA STUDY ON THE VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT OF THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SDN 37 PEKANBARU Nurhasmawati, EffendyGultom, Supriusman English Study Program Language And Art Department Teachers Training And Education Faculty University of Riau Abstract: The General objective of this study is to know the vocabulary achievement of the fifth grade students of SDN 37 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at SDN 37 Pekanbaru in March to Mei 2012. It is located on Jalan Garuda SaktiPanamPekanbaru. The sample of the research was 36 students of the fifth grade students of SDN 37 Pekanbaru. The data were collected by using multiple-choice questions. The writer conducted a try out in another class before the test was given. There are 6 items being revised after doing the try out. 6 items being revised because their facility value scores are higher than 0,70 (easy). Among 36 students, 3 students (8.3%) were in excellent level, 23 students 63.8(%) were in good level, 6 students (16.6%) were in mediocre level, 2 students (5.5%) were in poor level and no students was in very poor level. The mean score of the whole students on the vocabulary achievement is 62.06. In conclusion, A Study On The Vocabulary Achievement Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN 37 Pekanbaruwas good level. Since the research dealt with vocabulary achievementen-USDescriptive researchVocabularyAchievment.A Study On The Vocabulary Achievement Of The Fifth Grade Students Of Sdn 37 Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree