Melisa, Sahara2013-02-022013-02-022013-02-02 aim of this study is to determine the source, style, methods and mechanisms used coping with HIV/AIDS. The design of the research is description, which simply describes coping mechanisms with HIV/AIDS. The research conducted in the non-governmental organizations in Mata Hati Dumai's involving 52 respondents. The sampling method was total sample. The research uses questionnaire, the questionnaire thad been tested validity and reliability. The research uses Univariate analysis. The results showed that 53.8% of respondents were negative coping mechanisms with 55.8% of respondents were positive coping resource, 51.9% of respondents were negative coping style and coping methods 53.8% of respondents were long-term methods of coping. The results of this study recommend health workers to provide health education on how to improve the coping mechanisms in patients HIV/AIDS.en: coping mechanismspeople living with HIV / AIDSGAMBARAN MEKANISME KOPING ORANG DENGAN HIV/AIDS MELISA SAHARA* FATHRA ANNIS NAULI** OSWATI HASANAH***Other