Sari, Luci Manda2023-06-212023-06-212023-04PerpustakaanElfitra mortality is one of the commonly used mortality indicators in Indonesia. Cases of infant mortality reflect the level of social welfare and health status of a nation for the realization of health development in a country. One of the ways to reveal the high number of infant mortality cases is by knowing the most significant factors that cause infant mortality. The results obtained from this study experienced overdispersion in Poisson regression, so that in the analysis using negative binomial regression, a significant variable was obtained, namely the number of medical personnel with the best AIC in negative binomial regression for a significant variable in reduction II with an AIC value of 60.42enInfant Mortality CasesPoisson RegressionOverdispersionNegative Binomal RegressionPEMODELAN JUMLAH KASUS KEMATIAN BAYI DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI MENGGUNAKAN REGRESI BINOMIAL NEGATIFArticle