Rozy, Fakhrur2012-12-042012-12-042012-12-03yeni Ergonomics includes equipment adjustment efforts and the work environment to the condition of the human body in order to reduce the burden on workers. Musculoskeletal complaints is one of the occupational disease that occurs in workers who do not pay attention to ergonomics in the work. Environmental factors such as road conditions (slope of the road) may also affect the workload. Excessive workload can cause musculoskeletal complaints such as fatigue. The research was conducted at the General Hospital Sawahlunto. This study uses dekskriptif describing the work environment and the proportion of workers gurney musculoskeletal complaints in 10 officers gurney. From the results of the research with the help of questionnaires nordic body map obtained 5 people (50%) of respondents with musculoskeletal complaints, complaints varies each respondent. On the slope of the observations obtained 3 points on the road sloped routes studied.otherErgonomicsmusculoskeletal complaintsANALISIS FAKTOR RISIKO ERGONOMI KERJA PADA PETUGAS PENDORONG BRANKAR DI RSUD SAWAHLUNTOArticle