HagiHadi,SyaifulTety,Ermi2013-02-042013-02-042013-02-04Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1906Hagi.Jur. 2012The purpose of this research is to analyze dynamics export competitiveness of Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s palm oil in International market. And to analyze export performance of Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s palm oil in International market. The data used in the study was time series of 1995 - 2009 obtained from various sources such as FAO, MPOB, BPS, Dirjenbun Deptan, and Oil World. The result of this research are, dynamic export competitiveness of Indonesia’s palm oil have improvement in exporting market of palm oil in the world, especially in Asian and Europe, except in case of palm oil in some Europe state. Effect of standard growth Indonesia and Malaysia have positive value. Indonesia’s palm oil more competitive compared by Malaysia in Asian, but in Europe, Malaysia’s palm oil more competitive compared by Indonesia. This matter is shown by negative value from effect of market distribution and effect of residual. Competitiveness of Indonesia and Malaysia for palm oil product can be told above average of the world, because the index RCA more than one. Then, the value of ratio net Export and Total Trade Indonesia and Malaysia also showed a positive value which means that Indonesia and Malaysia is an exporter of palm oil.otherPalm Oil Export, Constant Market ShareRevealed Comparative AdvantageAnalisis Daya Saing Ekspor Minyak Sawit Indonesia dan Malaysia di Pasar Internasionalstudent Paper Post Degree