Pratiwi, Chindy2013-05-152013-05-152013-05-15Muchtar Rahmat resources is a fundamental element in an organization or company. Development of the state, science and technology so quickly within a company needs to be balanced with efforts to develop the human resources or employees who handle and run the company. Adjustment ability to perform duties in accordance with the new standards, new technology, new procedures and systems as well as encourage each company to conduct training for employees without interruption. The most appropriate vehicle for the transfer of all new developments that take place in a corporate environment is through continuous training. The training aims to increase knowledge, skills and abilities of employees work better and discipline employees in carrying out their duties in order to achieve company goals. As for the training in this context is the knowledge or the information provided by the instructor, such as the companies send employees for training or seminars in various placesotherTrainingHuman resourcesEmployesProgramANALISA IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PELATIHAN KARYAWAN PADA PT. ARJUNA LUMAS DWIGUNA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree