Ramadhany, Icha2021-08-262021-08-262020-11wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10164Poverty is one of the main problems that is still found in Indonesia. One of the government's efforts in order to accelerate poverty reduction is to implement the assistance of the Harapan Family Program (PKH). Assistance should be given to worthy recipients and deserving of it. However, the determination of beneficiaries still has difficulty due to the large number of participant data and criteria used. Therefore, a decision support system is needed in making it easier to make decisions on the recommendations of PKH beneficiaries. This research aims to create a system of supporting decision-making of PKH beneficiaries using smart methods. The system is built with php programming language, mysql database and uml system design design. The result obtained in this study is that the system is running well and obtained the role of prospective beneficiaries which is seen based on the total value and calculation produced accurately in accordance with the provisionsenPovertyPKHDecision Support SystemSimple Multi Atributte Rating TechniqueSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN PENERIMA BANTUAN PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN (PKH) MENGGUNAKAN METODE SMARTArticle