TILAR, NOLA2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2530Malaysia represent Indonesia neighbouring state, state with principle of good neigbourliness in relation of good bilateral. This Good relation of course based on of Principle Of Mutual Consent, Principle Resiprositas, Principle Of Inviolability and other principles which have been arranged in Convention of Wina 1963 about Relation Consular and also other International law orders and also international habits. Reason opening of Delegation of Consular of Malaysia in Town of Pekanbaru, is not quit of situation of Provinsi strategic Riau and within call with Malaysia, and also so much activity which can be conducted between Indonesia and of Malaysia in Town of Pekanbaru. As for cooperation form between Town of Pekanbaru and of Malaysia for example in the field of Politics, Cultural, Education, Transportation, and Expor- Import.enExecutionFunction of KonsularConsulate of MalaysiaPELAKSANAAN FUNGSI KONSULER OLEH KONSULAT MALAYSIA DI PROPINSI RIAUUR e-Research