Akbar, Kurniadi2013-07-022013-07-022013-07-02http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4056Hasil Belajar IPA Fisika Siswa Dengan Pembelajaran Outdoor StudyThe purpose of this research to know the difference learning outcomes physics science of students junior high school between the class using outdoor study approach and the class without outdoor study. The research population were 385 students of class VIII junior 21 Pekanbaru. A total of 56 students selected as the sample with Random Sampling were divided into experiment and control class . This research is a quasi experimental design with Intact Group Comparison. The research instrument is a cognitive learning outcome tes. Based on the descriptive analysis was gotten an average score of visibility, the effectiveness of learning, subject material learning, and completeness of indicator of students in the class by outdoor study approach higher than class without outdoor study, but the difference was not significant with inferential statistic tes t-test. it can be concluded there are no difference learning outcomes between the class using outdoor study approach and the class without outdoor study.en-USCognitive Learning Outcomes,Outdoor Study,Physics,On LightHasil Belajar Ipa Fisika Siswa Dengan Pembelajaran Outdoor Study Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree