Purwasih, W. E.HarisonSirait, H2014-03-252014-03-252014-03-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/5881Estimators discussedare combination of ratio estimatorsin ranked set sampling using coefficient of variation and coefficient of kurtosis. Each estimator is biased estimatorand the mean square errors are determined. Estimator with thesmallest mean square error is an efficient estimator.An example is given at theend of discusssionotherranked set samplinglinear combinationcoefficient of variationcoefficient of kurtosismeans square errorKOMBINASI PENAKSIR RASIO YANG EFISIEN UNTUK RATA-RATA POPULASI PADA SAMPLING BERPERINGKAT MENGGUNAKAN KOEFISIEN VARIASI DAN KOEFISIEN KURTOSISOther