Anggraini, Novia2023-06-072023-06-072023-03PerpustakaanElfitra productivity of stingless bees (kelulut) can be indicated from the high activity carried out by kelulut bees (Tetrigona apicalis). In carrying out flying activities, it is suspected that kelulut bees are influenced by environmental factors, one of which is the microclimatic conditions (air temperature and humidity). This research was carried out in Tanjung Sari Village, which is in the Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province. Observations were made on 18 colonies which were divided into three categories of colonies namely "Productive," "Less productive," and "Not productive" for three consecutive days every hour from 06.00 am to 18.00 pm. The results showed the activity of the kelulut bees was recorded to increase in the temperature range of 24-30 ℃ and the humidity range of 80-95% but at temperatures above 30 ℃ and the humidity below 80% the activity of the kelulut bees decreased, this indicates that the activity of the kelulut bees is influenced by environmental conditions, especially air temperature and air humidity.enstingless beesdaily flying activityproductivitymicroclimatic conditionsTetrigona apicalisPOLA AKTIVITAS HARIAN LEBAH KELULUT (Tetrigona apicalis) DALAM PEMELIHARAAN DI DESA TANJUNG SARI, KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN MERANTIArticle