Rasmani, Rasmani2023-05-232023-05-232023-02PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10994Shopee is an online marketplace application that can be accessed via a smartphone, with this application making shopping and selling activities easier. Behind this convenience, of course there are more or less shortcomings that are felt by users, such as slow application responses which can affect service quality, therefore an analysis is needed to measure the extent to which the system provides services to users. The number of respondents to this study was 100 (one hundred) active students at the University of Riau in 2021. This research used the E-Servqual method, which consisted of 7 (seven) dimensions and the analysis used in this research was the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Matrix. Based on the results of the overall calculation, the User Satisfaction Index (IKP) was obtained at 72.79%, which means that users are quite satisfied with the services provided by the Shopee application.enAnalysisUser SatisfactionShopee AppE-ServqualIPAANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGGUNA LAYANAN SHOPEE MENGGUNAKAN METODE E-SERVQUAL (STUDI KASUS: MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS RIAU)Article