Nuryani, YuliusPristiana Dewi, AriMisrawati2013-07-062013-07-062013-07-06 purpose of this research is to find out relation of motivation with performance of posyandu’s cadres in Tangkerang Selatan Pekanbaru. The methodology on this research is a descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. The sample on this research is cadres of posyandu. The number of sample is 68 respondents who were taken by total sampling technique. The measurement instrument of this research is questionnaire with 33 questions that have tested with validity and reliability test for two times to 20 different respondents with r-count bigger than r-table (0.444). These research used the univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test. Based on the statistical result, there was relation between motivation and performance of posyandu’s cadre in Tangkerang Selatan Pekanbaru (p-value<0.05). Based on these results, the health care provider (Puskesmas) is expected to support the posyandu’s programs such as in facilities and training of cadres, especially in training of the duties and responsibilities of cadre and motivate cadres of posyandu with give a reward for cadres achievement like a certificate in order to increase the motivation of cadres.enCadresmotivationperformanceposyanduHUBUNGAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA KADER POSYANDU DI KELURAHAN TANGKERANG SELATAN PEKANBARUOther