SINAGA, ULYSA INGOT2013-06-252013-06-252013-06-25Muchtar Rahmat of the business world is increasingly rapid today forced the company to be able to face stiff competition. As it is now, the competition is getting tighter in the automotive world, especially competition motorcycles. Facts show motorcycle sales continue to rise. This condition makes manufacturers increase innovation by launching products - new products to increase market share. Motorcycles are two-wheeled transportation that are excellent road users, particularly in the city of Pekanbaru. This is not due to a motorcycle fuel efficient, but also suitable for road conditions that are relatively not increased. With motorcycles, mobility was high society. They can go anywhere without worrying stuck in traffic and without the need to spend money on public transport fares are higher. On the other hand, the financial institutions were not reluctant to disburse loans motorcycle sales to attract consumers.otherPenjualanVolume PenjualanPT. CAPELLA DINAMIK NUSANTARAFAKTOR – FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI VOLUME PENJUALANSEPEDA MOTOR HONDA VARIOPADA PT. CAPELLA DINAMIK NUSANTARA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree