Wahyudi, Fadhli2019-07-222019-07-222019-07-22wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/9747This article discusses the analysis on the measurement of performance in a queueing system of customers by queueing theory and Monte Carlo simulation. The M=G=3=FIFO=1=1 queuing model is used to determine the performance measure of queuing system and as a comparison for performance measure is used Monte Carlo simulation. The solution of Monte Carlo simulation is slightly different with the results of queueing theory.enQueueing theoryM=G=3=FIFO=1=1 modelMonte Carlo simulationANALISIS SISTEM ANTRIAN PELAYANAN PERPANJANGAN PAJAK STNKB MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI MONTE CARLOArticle