Afrianto, Hendah2023-10-312023-10-312023-07PerpustakaanElfitra is one of the problems in employment that is often faced by every country, especially developing countries like Indonesia. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia resulted in the open unemployment rate increasing rapidly from previous years. Total population, TPAK, minimum wage, HDI, and poverty are some of the variables that can provide an overview of the open unemployment rate in Indonesia. For this reason, tests were carried out on these variables. The data used in this study uses BPS data, namely the indicator of the Open Unemployment Rate in Indonesia. Analysis was performed using spatial regression with the Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model. Based on the SAR model, there are 2 variables that have a significant effect on the open unemployment rate, namely the population variable which has a positive effect and TPAK which has a negative effect.enOpen unemployment ratespatial regressionspatial autoregressive (SAR)ANALISIS PENGANGGURAN TERBUKA DI INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN MODEL REGRESI SPASIALArticle