Sukarni, Putri Wulandini2016-01-132016-01-132016-01-132461-1069wahyu sari yeni is all the human’s action and activity, it can directly or undirectly be watched by other people. Documentation behaviour of nurse is a report and note prove that is belonged by the nurse to operating the nursing note to get the assessment, diagnoses, intervention, implementation and even nursing evaluation. The factors that relate with documentation behaviour are knowledge, attitude, work load, suggestion, intensive and leadership. The kind of the reseach is analitics section study with overall of the samples are 93 nurses. The data analysis is done univariately, bivariately and multivariately with the multiple logictic regression. The reserch result is obtained that the unrelated Variable with the nursing nurture documentation behaviour is the leadership. Where as related variable with documentating behaviour is he knowledge OR 2-696 (95% CI.161-6.256), attitude OR 2.969 (95% CI 1.274-6.920), insentive OR 0.293 (95% CI 0.121-0.708) and work load OR 3.569 (95% CI 1.510-8.433). conclusion, the most related variable is attitude. It is suggesed for the nurse management at Asylum of tampan in pekanbaru operates the education on colloquium and training rutinelyenDocumentation behaviourNurseThe Factors Of Nurse’s Behaviour Which Appertains Of Nursing Nurture Documentation At Tampan Mental Institution In Pekanbaru 2014UR-Proceedings