Natalia, Reanika Febe2024-03-062024-03-062023-11PerpustakaanElfitra research aims to determine the characteristics of activated pineapple leaf powder and its ability to improve the physical quality of peat water which includes physical parameters such as color, odor, pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) values from peat water. Characterization of the active powder was carried out by testing the water content gravimetrically, testing the adsorption capacity of the active powder on methylene blue and testing the adsorption capacity of the active powder on iodine using the titration method. The results of the characterization of pineapple leaf powder after activation are that the water content is 0.53%, the adsorption capacity for iodine is 230.7869 mg/g and the adsorption capacity for methylene blue is 22.8138 mg/g. FTIR shows the results of hydroxyl O=H, C-H group which is from the cellulose structure, carbonyl C=O which indicates the presence of lignin, as well as the functional groups C=C and C-O on pineapple leaves powder. Based on the results of the SEM-EDS, it was found that the biosorbent pineapple leaves powder had the elements O, C, N, Si, Ca and had an uneven texture. The results obtained after adsorption process with pineapple leaves activated powder showed that pineapple leaf powder ware able to increase the pH in peat water, eliminate odors and reduce the TDS and TSS values in peat water, this is in accordance with Regulations Government of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2021.enpeat waterpineapple leavespowderAPLIKASI SERBUK DAUN NANAS (Ananas comosus Morris) TERAKTIVASI NaOH SEBAGAI BIOSORBEN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS AIR GAMBUTElfitraArticle