FITRIYANI, YULISYA2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16Arbi Sahuri Motivation have influence which is signifikan to spirit of employees job/activity. Each;Every employees in working to have a purpose which different each other, is among others influenced by executor of motivation given by company. given by Motivation forms is company have to is matching with the one which wanted by employees. Execution of giving of correct motivation will give positive effect to spirit of employees job/activity, so also on the contrary, if company less is paying attention of execution of giving of motivation to employees will give impact which is negative to progress of company. One of the factor determining to expand or do not it him company seen from one of the side that is its employees performance, if employees have no the spirit of in executing its works, hence will cause negative to result of employees job/activity of tersebut,begitu also on the contrary, if employees have the spirit of high job/activity, hence company will easy to instruct them to reach company mission and vision.othermotivationspirit of jobemployeesresult of jobPELAKSANAAN PEMBERIAN MOTIVASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN SEMANGAT KERJA KARYAWANstudent Paper Post Degree