Johan, Vonny SetiariesRahardja, SaptaSaid, E.GumbiraDjatna, Taufik2014-04-122014-04-122014-04-120216-9673wahyu sari yeni product development, it is important to grasp the kansei (feeling) of consumers from a product. The purpose of this study was to identify consumer Kansei factors in evaluating a product, especialy rattan dining chairs. The study began by looking for Kansei words that repiesent feelings and emotions of consumers, which were beautiful, unique, innovative, comfortable, natural, modern, sturdy and simple. The words were grouped into four factors; aesthetics, functionality, materials and construction. For the assessment, rattan dining chair was divided into five elements, which were back chair design elements, seat, armrest base and woven. Respondents' assessment were caried out using the structure of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) with pairwise comparison method. The results showed that for design of baclcrest and base rattan chair, the most influential factor was the construction. For the design of rattan seat chair, most influential factor was functionality, while the armrest design and woven the influential factor was aesthetics. These factors and Kansei words were validated by a set of sensitivity analysis.enkanseikursi makan rotanAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)IDENTIFIKASI KANSEI UNTUK EVALUASI DESAIN PRODUK KURSI MAKAN ROTANUR-Scientific Work Lecturer