Febriani, Suci2013-03-282013-03-282013-03-28Nickmatil Verdani Fitrihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2706Pertumbuhan Typha Angustifolia Akibat Pendedahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pencemaran Lingkungan Bagi SiswaThis research aims were to determine the growth of Typha angustifolia due to the exposure palm oil wastewater and carried out from July to December 2012. This research used was Constructed Treatment Wetland (CTW) type Free Water Surface Treatment Wetlands (FWS). The device consist of 4 basin connected with horizontal pipe. Palm oil waste water given to basin with Typha angustifolia plant respectively from: (A) Palm oil wastewater pass basin 1, (B) Palm oil wastewater pass basin 2, (C) Palm oil wastewater pass basin 3, (D) Palm oil wastewater pass basin 4. Parameters to be measured are plant height, number of plants, concentration of N, P and K palm oil wastewater and wet weight and dry weight of plants. Data analyzed were description analysis. The results showed there were differences in mean plant height and number of plants in each basin. There is a decrease concentration of N and K palm oil wastewater, but an increase concentration of P after the exposure. Based on weight ratio of wet to dry weight of plant derived biomass was the highest in basin 4. The results used as an alternative source of learning to richness lesson in the topic of environmental pollution for Senior High School students.en-USTypha angustifoliaGrowing PlantsPalm Oil WastewaterLearning ResourcesPertumbuhan Typha Angustifolia Akibat Pendedahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pencemaran Lingkungan Bagi Siswa Smastudent Paper Post Degree