NihayatuI Wahibah, NinikFatonah, SitiIrayuni2012-11-132012-11-132012-11-12978-979-792-177-4wahyu sari yeni objective of this study was to analyze the germplasm variation and relationship among 30 individuals of citrus {Citrus nobilis Lour.) from Kabupaten Kampar (kecamatan Tambang and Bangkinang Barat) based on morphological traits. A total of 39 both of vegetative and generative traits were observed and scored, Manhattan dissimilarity among 30 citrus trees ranged from 19% to 86%. The dendogram indicated that the classification of citrus by morfologicai data was not reflected their geographic origin. Meanwhile, based on fruit traits (taste, size, weight, bitter taste and water content), there were four individuals considered as potential trees for citrus breedin program.enCitrus nobilis Lourmorphological traitsgermplasm diversityKEANEKARAGAMAN PLASMA NUTFAH JERUK SIAM (Citrus nobilis Lour.) DI KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROPINSI RIAU BERDASARKAN KARAKTER MORFOLOGIArticle