ZulhelmiSahal, Muhammad2014-04-142014-04-142014-04-14978-979-1222-09-9wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6093To improve the quality of science such physics requires a full involvement of the learners in the learning process. In the absence of such involvement, physics would merely become teaching the theories about physics. Therefore, the use of laboratory in which students have experience in learning physics through learning activities would be a strategic approach in teaching and learning physics. Hence, the teaching and learning process of physics may avoid rote learning through instructive teaching of learning materials. In general, this research aims to disclose the benefit of developing Mini Laboratory Equipments pf Physics for junior high school core subject: geometrical optics (light).The type of research is a developmental of research. It employs the Four D Model comprising of four phases. Mini laboratory equipments of physics for junior high school The data were collected and analyzed by using descriptive statistics to activities of learners and learning results. The results indicate that, level of learner activities is quite high is 69,89 in average or in good category, The conclusion of this researd' i, that a set of prototypes for learning physics through developing mini laboratory of physics for junior high school are highly effective in enhancing the students learning physicsenHASIL BELAJAR DAN AKTIVITAS PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN PERANGKAT LABORATORIUM MINI FISIKA SMP MATERI POKOK OPTIK GEOMETRIK (CAHAYA) DI SMP SABBIHISMA PADANGUR-Scientific Work Lecturer