Lia Ariani, FebyUtomo,WasistoJumaini2013-07-052013-07-052013-07-05 objective of this study was to determine the relationships of long standing and varicose veins toward nurses who work at surgery room. This was a analitic description study with cross- sectional approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling which there is forty six nurses as samples that had chosen depend on inclusion criteria. Data analysis applied were univariate and bivariate by using Chi- square test. The research showed that fifteen from twenty rour participants whi have experienced long standing at work suffer varicose veins. Besaide that, there are twenty two participants who do not experince long standing at work, thirteen (59,1%) of them suffer varicose veins. The result of Chi- square test showed that there is no relationship of long standing and varicose veins toward nurses who work at surgery room Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru with p value = 1 > 0,05.enlong standingvaricose veinsHUBUNGAN LAMA BERDIRI DENGAN KEJADIANVARISES PADA PERAWAT DI RUANG OKINSTALASI BEDAH SENTRAL RSUD ARIFIN ACHMADOther