Ridwan, Muhammad2014-05-202014-05-202014-05-20976-602-14576-0-3wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6220Program of the Department of Agriculture breakthrough for poverty alleviation and job creation , while reducing the development gap between regions and the central region. Agriculture Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) can not fully answer the problems that exist in the middle of farming communities in some d istricts in Kuantan Singingi. In a research question: " how Evaluation Strategies for Community Empowerment through Strengthening Agribusiness Venture Capital District Farmers Group in Kuantan Singingi, especially the realization of Agriculture Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) ? " The author tries to answer through research using descriptive method , which describes the facts obtained through observation , in -depth interviews and document review using qualitative analysis. From the results of this study concluded that 1 ) the low effectiveness of Rural Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) 2 ) low efficiency RuralAgribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) especially kurangny a Human Resources , 3 ) at least sufficient information to Rural Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) information particularly early or early identification of potential agricultural community 4 ) lack of implementation of aspects of similarity or alignment of the Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) Rural especially the persistence of a particular approach kausus advance of farmers and workers to get assistance from the Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ).5 ) associated with the responsiveness of the Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) has led to a pretty good 6 ) lack of precision targeting and objectives Agribusiness Development Program ( PUAP ) can be seen from the misuse of program funds are utilized by farmers to other issuesenEvaluationStrategyCommunity EmpowermentAgribusinessStrengthening CapitalFarmers GroupEVALUASI STRATEGI PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT AGRIBISNIS MELALUI PENGUATAN MODAL USAHA KELOMPOK TANI DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGIUR-Proceedings