Jailani2014-05-062014-05-062014-05-06MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6166Raskin implementation program for Rimba Melintang District and Teluk Pulau Hilir Village has been started since 8 years ago starting in 2005 . Raskin goal is to reduce the burden of Target Households expenditure ( RTS ) through a partial fulfillment of basic food needs in the form of rice . As the area by the number of poor people is still relatively high, the Teluk Pulau Hilir Village, District target area distribution of Raskin . Government's aim to provide assistance to poor families did not escape from the deviation . Based on the data I have found , there are several problems in the distribution of Raskin program . First , the wrong target . Raskin which should be distributed to poor families turned out ( many do ) fall on other groups ( family welfare ) . Teluk Pulau Hilir village there are 109 RTS - PM who should be eligible to receive a poor rice . But then distributed to the poor rice 479KK . Second , the amount of rice that are often not distributed according to what was programmed . The third problem , related to the previous problem that caused the error data on the number of poor families ( administration ) . Fourth , the price is not in accordance with existing guidelines Not maximal rice for the poor program implementation in the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of exciting writers to examine Rice Distribution beras miskin ( Raskin ) In the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of rimba melintang District for Rokan Hilir regency . The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of the distribution of rice for the poor in the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of Rimba Melintang district Sub Rokan Hilir regency . Usefulness of the research are to be a conceptual contribution to the central government , local government , and the village government and the whole society to be able to cooperate to implement their rice for the poor program. Types and methods of research used is descriptive research , which can be interpreted as a problem -solving process in investigated by depicting or describing the state of the subject and object of research at the present time based on the facts that appear or how it is. In data collection the authors conducted in-depth interviews and searches various documents .otherDistributionSosilisasion Implementation Program Raskin,IndigentKEBIJAKAN DISTRIBUSI BERAS MISKIN (RASKIN) DI DESA TELUK PULAU HILIR KECAMATAN RIMBA MELINTANG KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR TAHUN 2012 – 2013 (STUDI HUBUNGAN KERJA ANTAR LEMBAGA PEMERINTAH)student Paper Post Degree