Mardiana2013-07-162013-07-162013-07-16Nofianti,S.Pd study is titled "Learning Problems Suffered By Grade Students and Students Featured In Regular Class SMPN 2 Bangkinang"The study is titled "Learning Problems Suffered By Grade Students and Students Featured In Regular Class SMP N 2 Bangkinang". The purpose of this study was a) to know the description of the problem behavior (attitudes) leading students to learn in regular SMP 2 Bangkinang, b) to describe the problem of learning motivation in students with regular seed in SMP 2 Bangkinang, c) to describe the problem learning environment on seed and regular students in SMP 2 Bangkinang, d) to describe the problem means seed and regular students in Junior High School students 2 Bangkinang. The place and time of the SMP 2 Bangkinang research in February 2013. SMP student population consists darti 2 Bangkinang as many as 158 students and a sample of 158 students. The data captured is about the learning problems of students in SMP 2 Bangkinang. Data collection tools used questionnaires. The research results are a) students' learning problems of students' learning behavior problems in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally superior grade and regular grade students classified in the category of medium, b) student learning problems of students' motivation problems in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally superior grade students and students classified as regular classes in the high category, c) student learning problems of students' environmental issues in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally superior grade and regular grade students were classified in categories, d) learning problems students of the problem means for students at SMP 2 Bangkinang generally superior grade students and students classified as regular classes in the high categoryen-USStudent Learning Problems in generalThe study is titled "Learning Problems Suffered By Grade Students and Students Featured In Regular Class SMPN 2 Bangkinang"student Paper Post Degree