MS, Andi Luweis2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAT research is a form of trade cooperation between Indonesia and the country panama. Problems in this study will be observed by wearing glasses globalization. Indonesia wishes to utilize Colon free trade zone in increasing investment in Panama is assumed to have its own national interests. To assess how much influence do Indonesian cooperation with panama takes an analytical framework of the national interests of Indonesia. to the success of the Indonesian market diversification program to make it more able to penetrate non-traditional markets such as the potentially large and Latin America, it is important that a real effort is comprehensive and integrated. The most important effort made is the existence of a grand design that leads to great development for mapping, identification, and implementation of Indonesia's international trade policy that is comprehensive and effective.otherGlobalization,colon free trade zone,investmentPEMANFAATAN COLON FREE ZONE DALAM PENINGKATAN PERDAGANGAN INDONESIA DENGAN PANAMAstudent Paper Post Degree