Melinda, RiaDewi, Rahmi2021-07-282021-07-282020-08wahyu sari yeni thin film of Barium Zirconium Titanate (BZT) has been studied with composition of BaZr0,1Ti0,9O3 by using sol-gel method and annealed in temperature 600 ⁰C and 650 ⁰C in 1 hour. The thin film of BZT is characterized by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The result samples in temperature 600⁰C dan 650⁰C to know crystal structure and size particle using Scherrer formula. The crystalize size of the sample is affected by the annealing. Moreover, the X-Ray Diffraction results show that the crystal structure of the sample is tetragonal, that has a lattice parameters of a = b = 4,03 Å c = 4,08 .enBaZr01Ti0,9O3Sol-Gel MethodAnnealingCrystal StructureKARAKTERISASI DIFRAKSI SINAR X (XRD) FILM TIPIS BARIUM ZIRKONIUM TITANAT BaZr0,1Ti0,9O3 (BZT) DENGAN VARIASI SUHU ANNEALINGArticle