Putra, Mukhlas Adi2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5076The goal of this research is to find out the visitors responses about Tourism facility that is located in Trikora Beach as a Tourism Area. It is interesting to make research about Facility Development in order to know which and what should be done with this Tourism area and Analysis of the Development of Tourism Facilities at Trikora Beach in Bintan Regency Riau Archipelago Province were pointed to be the title of this research. Facility Development is to create facility that is less become adequate or the facility that too much make it become less in order to make all the facility useful and strike to the purpose of development itself. Facility development concept based on James Spillane theory, there are three things that need to be concerned they are major facility, supporting facility and additional facility. According to the research there are some points of the facility that need to be concerned such as the amount, safety, condition and many more. Qualitative research approaching method implemented in this research. This method describing event. 100 samples were used by implementing non probability sampling technique. Interview, documentation and questioner were used to collect all the data. Likert scale were implemented to measure the result of visitors responses. The response from visitors to the tourism area facilities of Trikora Beach is less positive or not good enough. Cooperation is needed to develop this tourism area facilities to become much better.otherDevelopment,facility,tourism areaANALISIS PENGEMBANGAN FASILITAS KAWASAN WISATA PANTAI TRIKORA KABUPATEN BINTAN PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree